
Luray, Virginia - Aqualitec Equipment Installation

This project required the Installation of new Owner furnished influent screening and compaction equipment at the headworks structure of the plant. Work included continuous bypass pumping, sawcutting of the top slab,  rigging, hoisting and anchoring the new equipment into place, millwrighting to attain the installation tolerances required by the manufacturer, and the extension of plant water piping to serve as flushing water for the compactor. A stainless steel extension platform (with handrailing) was mounted to the existing structure, to allow for access and servicing the equipment.


Pepper’s Ferry, Virginia - New River Pump Station Screens Replacement

The primary focus of this project consisted of the removal of an existing bar screen as well as an existing mechanical screen for replacement with new Huber RakeMax screens. A phased approach was required due to the inability to take more than one channel out at a time while maintaining screening capabilities. Structural repairs were necessary in the concrete channels which included installation of new grating support, concrete repair and the application of a Warren epoxy coating system. Additionally, four (4) electric actuators were installed on existing gates to allow for total system automation. The project also included electrical and I&C upgrades to accommodate the new functionality.


Town of Pulaski, Virginia - Emergency Filter-04 Rehabilitation

The primary focus of this project consisted of the demolition of an existing, failed underdrain, in a single cell filter at the Town’s Water Treatment Plant. The existing underdrain was comprised of precast blocks with plastic inserts that had experienced catastrophic failure. After the demolition was completed it was determined that the existing concrete structure needed to be coated which was completed using Warren epoxy. A new AWI underdrain was installed with new filter media. The project also included modifications in the pipe gallery including the removal of old flow control measures and the installation of a new magnetic flow meter, valves and surge relief piping.


Frederick County, Maryland- Raw Water Intake and Pump Station Improvements

Improvements to minimize frazile ice formation in the intake channel by installing a Tideflex coarse bubble diffuser system and hybrid blowers. Additionally, our team will be replacing all of the stations hydraulic cylinders and the hydraulic power unit. This system allows for maintenance and operations personnel to isolate portions of the facility for repair and provides for flood protection of the building. Other work includes dredging the intake channel and wet well, installing a bypass pumping connection point, and extensive hydraulic tubing and air piping installation.

Stafford County, Virginia – Smith Lake WTP Filter Rehabilitation

Complete replacement of Greenleaf Filter system components including filter media, air scour nozzles, vacuum system, and all filter effluent / filter to waste valves. This project had a critical timeline and was conducted in two phases in order to keep the water production facility in operation throughout the construction period. The project was completed ahead of schedule and on budget. WGK and the County staff worked together closely throughout the project to successfully accomplish the design and operational objectives.


City of Manassas, Virginia - Dean Drive Water Booster Pump Station Emergency Pump Replacement

Fast track project for the Water and Sewer Utility Division to replace a failed 100 HP Split Case Centrifugal pump at the City’s Dean Drive Booster Pump Station. The new pump is operational and the project successfully completed.


City of Winchester, VA – Percy D. Miller WTP Raw Water Pump Station Generator Replacement

Removal of a 750kW diesel generator and 2500 gallon buried fuel storage tank and installation of a 1000kW diesel generator with a 6,000 gallon fuel storage tank. Project for the Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment Division that required maintenance of standby power system with minimal interruptions during construction.  Projected Completion: September 2019

City of Manassas, Virginia - Manassas Lake WTP Gravity Thickener Mechanism Replacement

Removal and replacement of a 48” diameter bull gear drive mechanism on the City’s water production facility gravity thickener. The entire walkway bridge and pipe spanning the 50’ diameter tank was removed, sand blasted and re-coated while the old drive mechanism was removed and replaced. WGK provided turnkey services and completed the work on time and within budget.